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SKU 760506

RediJect Coelenterazine H is a bioluminescent substrate in a ready-to-use injectable format developed by the in vivo imaging leaders to fit your laboratory workflow.

With PerkinElmer’s Rediject Coelenterazine you can ensure reproducible results by minimizing variability in formulation, minimizing freeze/thaw and controlling batch to batch variation. RediJect Coelenterazine bioluminescent substrate has been pre-formulated to fit common workflow patterns and optimize results for all your experiments with Renilla luciferase. The ready to use substrate formulation allows you to concentrate on animal handling and biology.

· Pre-formulated, batch controlled Coelenterazine h for in vivo use

· Save substantial time and effort by minimizing pre-imaging preparation steps

· Dispensed to image 5 animals per vial (10 vials/kit)

· In vivo imaging quality, validated on IVIS imaging systems

For laboratory use only. This product is intended for animal research only and not for use in humans.





Perkin Elmer In Vivo Imaging Agents Brochure

EN | 4.238 MB


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