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Differential Scanning Fluorimetry

Quickly characterize protein stability for construct and formulation screening (DSF)


Uncle integrates DSF, static light scattering, and dynamic light scattering measurements to provide comprehensive solutions for protein unfolding and aggregation challenges, all within a single sample analysis. Additionally, it offers customizable analysis capabilities with full-spectrum fluorescence detection, making it a versatile tool capable of addressing a wide range of protein stability inquiries. This holistic approach to observing protein unfolding and aggregation provides a complete understanding of the behavior of protein samples, unveiling crucial insights into their characteristics.

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Nova Natura UAB

Kaštonų g. 56, Giraitės k, LT-54310,
Kaunas, Lithuania
Phone: +370 (620) 70159

Reg No 305063819

Nova Natura OÜ

Valukoja 8, 11415,
Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 5656 0050

Reg No 14758203

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