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SKU 6003038

Soluene®-350 is a strong organic base, formulated with toluene, that has an excellent capacity for the solubilization of wet tissue, aqueous tissue homogenates, proteins, nucleotides, plant material and other substances into a solution compatible with liquid scintillation cocktails.

Many radioactive biological samples measured by liquid scintillation counting techniques are not readily soluble in the commonly used solvents of liquid scintillation cocktails. Special solubilizers are required to obtain a homogeneous system for reproducible measurement of the radioactive sample.


· Ideal for tissue homogenates, whole blood and high water content samples such as plasma, brain and polyacrylamide gels

· Rate of solubilization can be increased by warming up to 50-60°C

· Minimum chemiluminescence produced






EN | 671.724 KB


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Nova Natura OÜ

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