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SKU CP94881

PhenoVue Fluor 488 - Concanavalin A is a fluorescent lectin which displays high affinity for glycoproteins and glycolipids present at the cellular membranes. It can be used for cellular membrane staining, particularly the endoplasmic reticulum.

PhenoVue Fluor 488 - Concanavalin A exhibits bright green fluorescence and is validated for use in imaging microscopy and high-content screening applications.

Part of Revvity's portfolio of cellular imaging reagents, PhenoVue Fluor 488 - Concanavalin A has a maximum excitation wavelength of 495 nm and a maximum emission wavelength of 520 nm.

Concanavalin A is a plant homotetrameric lectin known to activate the immune system or induce apoptosis and autophagy. Concanavalin A displays high affinity for α-mannopyranosyl and α-glucopyranosyl residues of glycoproteins and glycolipids present at the cellular membranes.

Fluorescent Concanavalin A derivatives are commonly used for staining the cellular membranes of mammalian cells, particularly the endoplasmic reticulum.

PhenoVue Fluor 488 - Concanavalin A can be used to visualize cellular membranes in immunofluorescence, immunohistochemistry and flow cytometry, as well as high-content analysis and screening applications. ​​


Numbers of Vials Per Unit5
Quantity or Volume Per Vial1mg (29.2nmoles)​
Recommended Working Concentration1mg (9.62nmoles)
Maximum Excitation Wavelength495 nm
Maximum Emission Wavelength520 nm
Common filter setFITC​
Live Cell StainingYes
Fixed Cell StainingYes. See Product Information Sheet for more information
Equivalent Number of Microplates1-5 x 96-well microplates
1-5 x 384-well microplates
3-8​ x 1536-well microplates

For research use only.



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Phone: +370 (620) 70159

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Nova Natura OÜ

Valukoja 8, 11415,
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