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SKU NEV10150

IVISense Vascular NP 750 is a highly fluorescent near-infrared nanoparticle probe specifically designed for in vivo imaging. IVISense Vascular NP 750 contains an iron oxide core that is coated to specifically produce a functionalized biocompatible probe comprised of a pegylated fluorescent nanoparticle that remains localized in the vasculature for extended periods of time and enables imaging of blood vessels, angiogenesis, blood-brain-barrier compromise, and vascular cell fluid-phase pinocytotic function. IVISense Vascular NP 750 fluorescent nanoparticle probe can also be used at later time points (>12 hours) to image vascular leak in tissue site of inflammation and cancer. IVISense Vascular NP 750 can be imaged within the interstitium for up to 24 hours post tail vein injection.

Benefits of IVISense Vascular NP fluorescent nanoparticles

  • Highly fluorescent near-infrared nanoparticles specifically designed for in vivo vascular imaging.
    • Contain an iron oxide core that is coated to specifically produce a functionalized biocompatible product.
    • Pegylation facilitates extended blood half-life to enable imaging of blood vessels and angiogenesis.
  • Imaging of vascularity, perfusion, and vascular permeability. Long pharmacokinetic profile.
  • Long-term tissue accumulation in chronic inflammation and cancer/angiogenesis studies.
  • Vascularity in cancer and inflammation by noninvasive and intravital microscopy.
  • Assessment of CNS blood-brain-barrier compromise.
  • in vivo assessment of vascular fluid-phase pinocytosis in atherosclerosis
  • Can also be used at later time points (>12 hours) to image vascular leak in tissue site of inflammation and cancer.
  • Can be imaged within the interstitium for up to 24 hours post tail vein injection.

For laboratory use only. This product is intended for animal research only and not for use in humans.



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Kaštonų g. 56, Giraitės k, LT-54310,
Kaunas, Lithuania
Phone: +370 (620) 70159

Reg No 305063819

Nova Natura OÜ

Valukoja 8, 11415,
Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 5656 0050

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