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SKU NEV10116

IVISense™ Edema (Superhance™ 680) fluorescent probe is a blood pooling imaging agent for imaging circulation, blood vessels, vasculature, vascular leak, including that associated with early oncologic and ophthalmologic lesions. This agent has a short pharmacokinetic profile with bladder clearance, and binds to albumin in blood for a modestly extended (30m-1h) circulation half-life.

IVISense Edema fluorescent probe is a small molecule near infrared fluorescent probe designed for in vivo preclinical intravenous administration. This probe, being of low molecular weight, will leak and pool in regions of acute edema or vascular leak associated with oncology or other diseases. It is ideal for imaging vascularity, perfusion, and vascular permeability.

Benefits of IVISense Edema 680 fluorescent probe:

  • Small molecule fluorescent in vivo edema and vascular leak imaging agent.
  • Short pharmacokinetic profile, extended modestly by albumin binding moiety to improve performance (30m-1h blood half-life).
  • For imaging of acute changes in vascularity, perfusion, and vascular permeability.
  • Enables sensitive imaging and detection of vascular leak, including that associated with early inflammatory, oncologic, and opthalmologic lesions.

For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.



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