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SKU NEV11070

IVISense™ Hypoxia CA IX 680 (HypoxiSense™ 680) is a carbonic anhydrase IX (CA IX) targeted fluorescent in vivo imaging probe that can be used to image CA IX overexpression in response to hypoxia. Oxygen deprivation is associated with several disease states including angiogenisis, pulmonary disease, inflammation, and cancer.

In cancer, hypoxia occurs in tumors as a result of the poor ability of their disorganized vascular networks to deliver blood borne oxygen. IVISense Hypoxia CA IX 680 fluorescent imaging probe detects the tumor cell surface expression of carbonic anhydrase 9 (CA IX) protein, which increases in hypoxic regions within many tumors, especially in cervical, colorectal, non-small cell lung tumors. Pairing IVISense Hypoxia CA IX 680 agent with optical fluorescent imaging technology allows you to image and quantitate tumor sub-regions undergoing hypoxia-related changes, non-invasively and in vivo.

For laboratory use only. This product is intended for animal research only and not for use in humans.



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