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SKU NEV10040

IVISense™ Folate Receptor 680 fluorescence imaging probe (FolateRSense™) is highly specific and sensitive in its detection of Folate Receptor alpha (FRa).

Used with in vivo imaging systems such as Revvity's industry leading IVIS® platform, this targeted probe enables the non-invasive visualization and quantification of FR expression in highly metabolic cells such as tumor cells.

Folate receptors are a family of cell surface receptors that bind the essential vitamin folic acid (folate, vitamin B9). These receptors are upregulated in highly metabolic cells and over-expression of FRA protein is associated with tumor growth, as uptake of folic acid is a necessary part of tumor metabolism.

Folate is essential for cellular metabolism and DNA synthesis, methylation, and repair. High metabolic cells such as proliferating cancer cells have increased demand for folate to maintain their accelerated DNA synthesis; thus overexpression of folate receptors (FRs) is a recognized biomarker of many tumors, though tumors can differ in their dependence on folate metabolism.

For laboratory use only. This product is intended for animal research only and not for use in humans.



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