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New Product Launch - Microtube Shaker from Axygen

Corning Life Sciences is pleased to announce the launch of new Product: Axygen® Microtube Shaker

The Axygen Microtube Shaker provides researchers a benchtop shaking incubator allowing uniform heating, cooling, and mixing of precious life science samples. The compact footprint incorporates an intuitive control panel which allows the operator to easily program the device and view the live temperature, time, and mixing speed settings throughout the experiment.

Nine interchangeable aluminum blocks accommodate PCR plates and a variety of common life science vessels. No additional tools are required for block exchanges. The blocks utilize a magnetic adhesion technology and are self-recognized once exchanged. The combination of heating, cooling, and mixing with a versatile block selection makes the Axygen Microtube Shaker ideal for many life science laboratories in the segments of molecular biology, biochemistry, and clinical chemistry.

Applications include but are not limited to gene synthesis, gene purification and denaturation, enzymatic reactions, and bacterial growth assays

Features and Benefits
◗ Constant mixing
◗ Wide speed range per block
◗ Precise temperature control for heating and cooling
◗ Flexible block selection
◗ Programmable
◗ Compatible with various tubes and plates
◗ Quick interchange of blocks with magnet adhesion
technology without any tools
◗ Block equipped with a lid for heat preservation
◗ Three-point temperature calibration
◗ Stable self-recognizing block technology
◗ Calibration mode ensuring accurate temperatures
within ±0.5°C after every block exchange
◗ Safe for cold room use
◗ Warranty: 1 year

Ordering and additional information:

Agnes Vaino

Product Manager | Nova natura
+372 5347 7200



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Kaštonų g. 56, Giraitės k, LT-54310,
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Phone: +370 (620) 70159

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Nova Natura OÜ

Valukoja 8, 11415,
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Phone: +372 5656 0050

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