Get more data from your IHC work with Akoya's help
Mar 29, 2023
5 min
What's Opal?
Opal kits allow to detect up to 6 different markers at the same time on a FFPE tissue section with a fluorescence microscope. For example:
In immunology T cells, B cells, macrophages + 3 open channels for user-selected targets >> Immunology discovery panel
Opal™ 3-Plex Detection Kits provide a practical workflow for the simultaneous detection of up to 3 tissue biomarkers plus nuclear counterstain within a single image. >>
The method is similar to standard immunohistochemistry (IHC) and is accessible to many laboratories where standard IHC is performed.
Opal™ allows:
- brighter signals up to 100 times than other fluorescent detection methods, - higher degree of multiplexing up to 4 colours using standard fluorescent microscope on same tissue (imaging once) and up to 8 colours, ( as a side note using our High throughput instrument) same species multiple antibodies on the same tissue without antibody cross reactivity versus antibodies raised in goat, rabbit, mouse need to be considered in each consecutive staining. -To add to all of this Opal™ is more stable, less photobleaching , shorter exposer times. The above 3 selling features should allow you to talk to customer who has fluorescent microscope and works with FFPE slides. See more from the brochure: