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SKU NEV10060

Near-infrared (NIR) fluorescent agent for in vivo imaging and other applications.

Tumor neo-vasculature, characterized by the development of abnormal, leaky and tortuous blood vessels, represents a key target for cancer imaging and therapy. Among the various recognized tools for measuring microvessel density is tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) lectin, a single polypeptide glycoprotein that binds to sugar-containing proteins present on the endothelium.

IVISense Tomato Lectin 680 Fluorescent Probe is a fluorescent in vivo endothelial cell imaging agent. It is a near-infrared labeled macromolecule that targets the vasculature and enables imaging of blood vessels and angiogenesis. This agent in conjunction with PerkinElmer’s imaging instruments helps in assessing vascularity in vivo and in real time, without termination of mice, excision and processing of the tissue, thus improving the efficacy, early detection and monitoring of anti-angiogenic therapies.

For laboratory use only. This product is intended for animal research only and not for use in humans.





Perkin Elmer In Vivo Imaging Agents Brochure

EN | 4.238 MB


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