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SKU NEV10100

Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are calcium-dependent zinc containing endopeptidases responsible for the degradation of most of extracellular matrix proteins during organogenesis, growth and normal tissue turnover. MMPs play a role in almost every biological cell process from embryo implantation to cell death and have been implicated in a wide range of diseases including inflammation, arthritis, pulmonary disease, cancer and more.

PerkinElmer’s MMPSense NIR activatable fluorescence agents are designed to evaluate many disease related processes including cancer progression, rheumatoid arthritis, pulmonary disease and more as well as evaluating therapeutic efficacy of potential drug candidates.

MMPSense 645 FAST is excited by 649 nm excitation light, and emits at 666 nm. MMPSense 645 FAST is a member of a family of activatable fluorescent imaging agents comprising a novel architecture termed F.A.S.T. (Fluorescent Activatable Sensor Technology), that allows for an earlier optimal imaging window of 6-24 hours after injection, facilitating detection of early MMP activity changes, for example in acute models of inflammation or stroke. Including MMPSense 645 FAST in careful experimental design allows for multiplexing with other channels and/or imaging times, and so can be paired with other probes to achieve maximum efficiency and flexibility in imaging.

For laboratory use only. This product is intended for animal research only and not for use in humans.





Perkin Elmer In Vivo Imaging Agents Brochure

EN | 4.238 MB


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